VOICES Canada is launching its first anti-Black racism project, the Green Book Worthy Initiative.

The Green Book worthy initiative is a dynamic, crowd-sourced set of baseline guidelines and recommendations for organizations, businesses, educational institutions, faith-spaces etc to assist them in creating spaces that encourage the participation, the safety, and the thriving of BIPOC's in their respective environments.

A consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the glaring disparities in the Social Determinants of Public Health between the majority White population and the BIPOCs ( Black, Indigenous and Persons of Color).

These disparities have been so obvious it has caused the Toronto Board of Health to declare anti-Black racism a Public Health crisis. This was done on June 8th 2020. The Ottawa Board of Health followed with a similar announcement declaring racism a Public Health issue.

VOICES Canada tasked with the facilitating and personal and social change in the lives of young people experiencing challenges to their well-being sees this project as a significant contribution to anti-Black racism efforts in Canada.